Главная страница Theatre News 2010 Сентябрь 19 Сентября The Saratov Opera and Ballet launches upon its 208th season

The Saratov Opera and Ballet launches upon its 208th season

On the 18th of August the company staff had their first meeting traditionally following the summer vacation.

Ilia Kiyanenko the General Director congratulated the company on the opening 208th season. Speaking of the previous year he expressed his satisfaction with an efficient and successful performance of all the units and divisions of the theatre. Among the most remarkable achievements, he mentioned the premiere of the ballet Joakin Murieta’s Life and Love by A.Rybnikov and that of the opera Sadko by N.Rimski-Korsakov, a Russian Music Gala on the International Day of Music on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the newspaper "Muzykalnoye Obozreniye", the Festival "Novoye Peredvizhnichestvo" of the Academy of Arts, the 23rd Sobinov Festival, and the participation in the "Golden Mask" National Festival. Artistic Director and Chief Conductor Yuri Kochnev presented the company’s creative projects for the season of 2010–2011. As soon as the first half of November, a musical "A Brave Lead Soldier" by S.Banevich is expected to be released to be followed in mid-December by yet another production for children, that is, the ballet by K.Khachaturian "The Snow-white and the Seven Dwarfs". During the remaining half of the season, the company will be busy staging two operas, namely, La Nozze Discreta by Cimarosa (to be sung in Russian), and Orestea by S.Taneyev. Programmes are being considered of the New Year’s Eve gala and of the oncoming 24th Sobinov Festival.

In the course of the meeting, a number of young artists just starting their careers here were introduced, among them, International Competition winner Marina Salnikova (soprano), Daniel Wilpert and Alisher Dodarbekov (choir members), Konstantin Novoselov (orchestra member), Konstantin Odinokov, Dmitri Romanov, Alexandre Naumov (ballet artists).

Those present at the meeting had the pleasure of congratulating quite a number of their colleagues who were awarded Letters of Acknowledgement from the Governor, the Saratov Ministry of Culture and other regional and municipal public bodies for their commitment and a long-standing immaculate service.


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